The statistician John Tukey is regarded by some as the father, or at least one of the fathers, of data science. Before Tukey, statistics meant inference (p-values, ANOVA, etc.) and models. Tukey brought to the discipline a whole new perspective: exploring the data to see what it is telling us. He coined the term “dataContinue reading “Historical Spotlight: John Tukey”
Tag Archives: Alan Turing
Historical Spotlight: Alan Turing
80 years ago, in 1939, Alan Turing began work on the code-breaking system that would eventually prove key in helping Britain survive the German submarine threat in the Atlantic. Last month, the Turing Award in computer science prize (sometimes referred to as the “Nobel Prize of Computing”) was given to three researchers, Yann LeCunn, GeoffreyContinue reading “Historical Spotlight: Alan Turing”