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What are the homework requirements in courses?
All courses provide homework exercises to help students grasp the concepts being presented. They are open for a week, during which time students work and submit their answers. Then the assignment is closed and in most cases model answers and/or feedback is provided. The closed assignment, its model answers, and feedback remain available to all students until the course ends. There is no need to inform the instructor or course administrator if you have not done an assignment by its due date. Also see the “Use of Software.”
Late Homework
If you cannot complete the assignment by the specified time, it cannot be “turned in” using our online system. But please do it anyway and save the document in which you record your answers. Then compare your answers to posted model answers. There is no need to tell the course administrator or the instructor that you are not turning in homework.
Homework Marks
All homework is marked, but these marks are relevant only if you are registered in one of our certificate programs or have requested a Record of Course Completion.