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Cochran´s Q Statistic

Cochran´s Q Statistic: Cochran´s Q statistic is computed from replicated measurements data with binary responses. This statistic tests a difference in effects among 2 or more treatments applied to the same set of experimental units. Consider the results of a study of M treatments applied to N experimental units (e.g...

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Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) test

Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) test: The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) test compares two groups on a binary response, adjusting for control variables. The initial data are represented as a series of K 2x2 contingency table s, where K is the number of strata. Traditionally, in each table the rows correspond to the "Treatment group"...

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Cohen´s Kappa

Cohen´s Kappa: Cohen´s kappa is a measure of agreement for Categorical data . It is a special case of the Kappa statistic corresponding to the case of only 2 raters. Historically, this statistic was invented first. Later it was generalized to the case of an arbitrary number of raters. See...

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Comparison-wise Type I Error

Comparison-wise Type I Error: In multiple comparison procedures, the comparison-wise type I error is the probability that, even if the samples come from the same population, you will wrongly conclude that they differ. See also Family-wise type I error. Browse Other Glossary Entries

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Composite Hypothesis

Composite Hypothesis: A statistical hypothesis which does not completely specify the distribution of a random variable is referred to as a composite hypothesis. Browse Other Glossary Entries

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Correlation Statistic

Correlation Statistic: The correlation statistic is one of the statistics used in the generalized Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests . It is applicable when both the treatment (rows) and response (columns) are measured on an ordinal scale . In case of independence between the two variables in all strata, the asymptotic distribution of...

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Dunn Test

Dunn Test: The Dunn test is a method for multiple comparison s, which generalizes the Bonferroni adjustment procedure. This test is used as a post-hoc test in analysis of variance when the number of comparisons is not large, when compared to the number of all possible comparisons. The Dunn test...

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Exact Tests

Exact Tests: Exact tests are hypothesis tests that are guaranteed to produce Type-I error at or below the nominal alpha level of the test when conducted on samples drawn from a null model. For example, a test conducted at the 5% level of significance that yields (false) "significant" results 5%...

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Family-wise Type I Error

Family-wise Type I Error: In multiple comparison procedures, family-wise type I error is the probability that, even if all samples come from the same population, you will wrongly conclude that at least one pair of populations differ. If a is the probability of comparison-wise type I error, then the probability...

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Fisher´s Exact Test

Fisher´s Exact Test: Fisher´s exact test is the first (historically) permutation test. It is used with two samples of binary data, and tests the null hypothesis that the two samples are drawn from populations with equal but unknown proportions of "successes" (e.g. proportion of patients recovered without complications among the...

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General Association Statistic

General Association Statistic: The general association statistic is one of the statistics used in the generalized Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests . It is applicable when both the "treatment" and the "response" variables are measured on a nominal scale . If the treatment and response variables are independent in all strata, the asymptotic...

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Generalized Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests

Generalized Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test: The Generalized Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test is a family of tests aimed at detecting of association between two categorical variables observed in K strata. The initial data are represented as a series of K RxC contingency table s, where K is the number of strata and at least one...

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Goodness – of – Fit Test

Goodness - of - Fit Test: It is a statistical test to determine whether there is significant difference between the observed frequency distribution and a theoretical probability distribution which is hypothesized to describe the observed distribution. Browse Other Glossary Entries

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Hotelling´s T-Square

Hotelling´s T-Square: Hotelling´s T-square is a statistic for a multivariate test of differences between the mean values of two groups. The null hypothesis is that centroid s don´t differ between two groups. Hotelling´s T-square is used in multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) , and in multiple analysis of covariance (MANCOVA)...

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Hypothesis: A (statistical) hypothesis is an assertion or conjecture about the distribution of one or more random variables. For example, an experimenter may pose the hypothesis that the outcomes from treatment A and treatment B belong to the same population or distribution. If the hypothesis completely specifies the distribution of...

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Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing: Hypothesis testing (also called "significance testing") is a statistical procedure for discriminating between two statistical hypotheses - the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis ( Ha, often denoted as H1). Hypothesis testing, in a formal logic sense, rests on the presumption of validity of the null hypothesis...

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Kappa Statistic

Kappa Statistic: Kappa statistic is a generic term for several similar measures of agreement used with categorical data . Typically it is used in assessing the degree to which two or more raters, examining the same data, agree when it comes to assigning the data to categories. for example, kappa...

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Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-sample Test

Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-sample Test: The Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample test is a goodness-of-fit test, and tests whether an observed dataset is consistent with an hypothesized theoretical distribution. The test involves specifying the cumulative frequency distribution which would occur given the theoretical distribution and comparing that with the observed cumulative frequency distribution. Browse Other...

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