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Feb 10: Statistics in Practice

Statistics in PracticeTomorrow is the New Hampshire political primary in the US, and this week’s Brief looks at the statistical concept of lift.  Our spotlight is on:

See you in class!

Peter Bruce, Founder

Statistics Logo

Lift and Persuasion

What do you do with late-paying and defaulting customers?  Turn that information into creditworthiness data and sell it.  The firm that two businessmen formed in 1899 based on this brilliant intuition continues to this day as […]

Word of the Week

ROC, Lift and Gains Curves

There are various metrics for assessing the performance of a classification model.  It matter which one you use. The simplest is accuracy, but […]

Course Spotlight

Feb 28 – Mar 27:   Persuasion Analytics and Targeting  

Your instructor is Ken Strasma, director of targeting for the Kerry and Obama presidential campaigns, and co-founder and CEO of HaystaqDNA, a firm that provides predictive analytics and strategic consulting services for corporations, non-profits and membership organizations.

In this course you will learn how to:

  • Find voter/customer targets that are appropriate to a campaign phase
  • Design a survey instrument for use in a predictive model
  • Conduct an A-B test
  • Implement predictive models with voter data
  • Add uplift modeling to predict whether a person responds better with a “treatment”

See you in class!

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