“The customer is always right” was the motto Selfridge’s department store coined in 1909.
“We’ll tell the customer what they want” was Madison Avenue’s mantra starting in the 1950’s.
Now data scientists like Karolis Urbonas help companies like Amazon (where he works in Europe as Head of Data Science, Amazon Devices) use data to figure out what customers want and will buy.
Opportunities to learn from experts inside the high tech industry are rare, and this one is all the more valuable because, following the usual Statistics.com format, Karolis will be available for your questions and comments throughout the 4-week course period:
You’ll work with a transactional database to
- Clean and summarize the data
- Understand the variables
- Create plots that add insight
- Identify outliers
- Create and analyze customer segments
The course includes a project in which you will incorporate the results of your analysis into a business recommendation for a hypothetical company.
Please join us May 25!