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Data Analytics Courses

Data analytics and data science are popular terms, and skills in these areas are in great demand.  But what do these terms mean?  Below is an overview and a listing of related courses. For information about our certificate programs in data science and analytics, click here. →Test Yourself Take a 10-question quiz on analytics Data PrepContinue reading “Data Analytics Courses”

Course Spotlight: Survival Analysis

Convinced that he, like his father, would die in his 40’s, Winston Churchill lived his early life in a frenetic hurry.  He had participated in four wars on three continents by his mid-20’s, served in multiple ministerial positions by his 30’s, and published 12 books by his 40’s.  Little did he know that more thanContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Survival Analysis”

Industry Spotlight: Customer Segmentation

Are you “young and rustic?” Or perhaps a “toolbelt traditionalist?” These are nicknames given to customer segments identified by market research firm Claritas, with its statistical clustering tool. Long before the advent of individualized product recommendations, business sought to segment customers into distinct groups on the basis of purchase behavior, demographic variables, and geography, toContinue reading “Industry Spotlight: Customer Segmentation”

100 years of variance

It is 100 years since R A Fischer introduced the concept of “variance“(in his 1918 paper “The Correlation Between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance“). There is much that statistics has given us in the century that followed. Randomized clinical trials, and the means to analyze them, moved medicine fully into the modern, science-based era.Continue reading “100 years of variance”

Course Spotlight: Deep Learning

Deep learning is essentially “neural networks on steroids” and it lies at the core of the most intriguing and powerful applications of artificial intelligence. Facial recognition (which you encounter daily in Facebook and other social media) harnesses many levels of data science tools, including algorithms that compare images and match those with similar measurements betweenContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Deep Learning”

Course Spotlight: Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

SEM stands for “structural equation modeling,” and we are fortunate to have Prof. Randall Schumacker teaching this subject at Randy created the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) journal in 1994 and the Structural Equation Modeling Special Interest Group (SIG) at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) He has also co-authored several books, including: A Beginner’sContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)”

Course Spotlight: Two statistical modeling courses

Two important statistical modeling courses are coming up in May. May 18 – Jun 15: Principal Components and Factor Analysis May 18 – Jun 15: Modeling Count Data   Factor analysis is used frequently in social science research where you want to examine that which you cannot observe (latent variables) using data that you canContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Two statistical modeling courses”

Course Spotlight: Likert scale assessment surveys

Do you work with multiple choice tests, or Likert scale assessment surveys? Rasch methods help you construct linear measures from these forms of scored observations and analyze the results from such surveys and tests. “Practical Rasch Measurement – Core Topics“ In this course, you will learn practical aspects of data setup, analysis, output interpretation, fitContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Likert scale assessment surveys”

Course Spotlight: Customer Analytics in R

“The customer is always right” was the motto Selfridge’s department store coined in 1909. “We’ll tell the customer what they want” was Madison Avenue’s mantra starting in the 1950’s. Now data scientists like Karolis Urbonas help companies like Amazon (where he works in Europe as Head of Data Science, Amazon Devices) use data to figureContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Customer Analytics in R”

Course Spotlight: Predictive Analytics

Predicting whether an internet user will click on a link or buy a product, whether an insurance claim is fraudulent, whether a home mortgage will be paid on time (or early), how much a house will sell for, what internet ad you should see next, whether a discharged patient will need to return to theContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Predictive Analytics”

Course Spotlight: Text Mining

The term text mining is sometimes used in two different meanings in computational statistics: Using predictive modeling to label many documents (e.g. legal docs might be “relevant” or “not relevant”) – this is what we call text mining. Using grammar and syntax to parse the meaning of individual documents – we use the term naturalContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Text Mining”

Course Spotlight: The Text Analytics Sequence

Text analytics or text mining is the natural extension of predictive analytics, and’s text analytics program starts Feb. 6. Text analytics is now ubiquitous and yields insight in: Marketing: Voice of the customer, social media analysis, churn analysis, market research, survey analysis Business: Competitive intelligence, document categorization, human resources (voice of the employee), recordsContinue reading “Course Spotlight: The Text Analytics Sequence”

Course Spotlight: Constrained Optimization

Say you operate a tank farm (to store and sell fuel). How much of each fuel grade should you buy? You have specified flow and storage capacities, constraints on what types of fuels can be stored in which tanks, prior contractual obligations about minimum monthly deliveries and incoming supplies, plus the opportunity to sell onContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Constrained Optimization” Partners With CrowdANALYTIX to Offer New Online Course With Crowdsource Contest As Project

Crowdsourcing, using the power of the crowd to solve problems, has been used for many functions and tasks, including predictive modeling (like the 2009 Netflix Contest). Typically, problems are broadcast to an unknown group of statistical modelers on the Internet, and solutions are sought. Every crowdsourced project harnesses the power of the community to findContinue reading “ Partners With CrowdANALYTIX to Offer New Online Course With Crowdsource Contest As Project”