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When talking to several people, do you address them as “you guys”? “Y’all”? Just “you”? And is the carbonated soft drink “soda” or “pop?” Maps based on survey responses to questions like this were published in the Harvard Dialect Survey in 2003. Josh Katz took the data and produced extended visualizations and, last month, aContinue reading “Dialects”

Predictive Modeling and Typhoon Relief

The devastation wrought by Super-Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines is the biggest test yet for the nascent technology of “artificial intelligence disaster response,” a phrase used by Patrick Meier, a pioneer in the field. When disaster strikes, a flood of social media posts and tweets ensues. There is useful information in the data flood, butContinue reading “Predictive Modeling and Typhoon Relief”

Terrorist Clusters

The “righteous vengeance gun attack” is just one of 10 types of terrorism identified by Chenoweth and Lowham via statistical clustering techniques. Another cluster is “bombings of a public population where a liberation group takes responsibility.” You can read about the 10 clusters, and the 44 dichotomous variables (suicide or not, bombing or not, religiousContinue reading “Terrorist Clusters” Partners With CrowdANALYTIX to Offer New Online Course With Crowdsource Contest As Project

Crowdsourcing, using the power of the crowd to solve problems, has been used for many functions and tasks, including predictive modeling (like the 2009 Netflix Contest). Typically, problems are broadcast to an unknown group of statistical modelers on the Internet, and solutions are sought. Every crowdsourced project harnesses the power of the community to findContinue reading “ Partners With CrowdANALYTIX to Offer New Online Course With Crowdsource Contest As Project”

Illuminate, Iterate, Involve, Involvement, Iteration, Insight

I did not start off in the field of statistics; my first real job was as a diplomat. And from my undergraduate days I recall a professor who taught a cultural history of Russia. He was one of the world’s top experts. Possessed of a tremendous store of knowledge (a leading author in the field,Continue reading “Illuminate, Iterate, Involve, Involvement, Iteration, Insight”