In this Brief, we visit the issue of “statistical arbitrage” in financial markets, and spotlight two courses: June 12 – July 10: Financial Risk Modeling (today) July 10 – Aug 7: Spatial Statistics for GIS Using R See you in class! P.S. Our newest course, Analyzing and Modeling Coronavirus Data, also starts June 12 (today)Continue reading “June 12: Statistics in Practice”
Author Archives: Dave Flatley
Statistical Arbitrage
June 2: Statistics in Practice
Fear of catching Covid-19 dominates the world, so this week we briefly review how humans think about probabilities, in the context of Covid-19. Prior beliefs figure heavily in probability calculations, so our course spotlight is on: July 3 – 31: Introduction to Bayesian Statistics See you in class! – Peter Bruce P.S. Our new course, AnalyzingContinue reading “June 2: Statistics in Practice”
Bayesian Statistics
When Probabilities Sum to More than One
Student Spotlight: Paul Olszlyn
Meet Paul Olszlyn, Senior Data Scientist at NovoDynamics Paul Olsztyn designs and implements databases at NovoDynamics, a company that creates and deploys large scale data systems for corporations. As his company responded to customer needs for more predictive analytics by building greater capacity in this area, Paul decided to move beyond his own IT andContinue reading “Student Spotlight: Paul Olszlyn”
May 26: Statistics in Practice
This week we return to Coronavirus data to look at new analyses that use mobile phone data to estimate the effects of social distancing restrictions, a vital question now are we see the world falling into “lockdown recession.” Speaking of economic matters, our course spotlight is: June 12 – July 10: Financial Risk Modeling SeeContinue reading “May 26: Statistics in Practice”
Tracking Your Wanderings, for the Public Good
May 19: Statistics in Practice
This week we take a look at evolutionary algorithms (it was 150 years ago that Charles Darwin first used the term “evolution” in his writings). Our course spotlight is: July 17 – Aug 14: Optimization with Linear Programming See you in class! – Peter Bruce Founder, Author, and Senior Scientist Evolutionary Algorithms In February, IContinue reading “May 19: Statistics in Practice”
Instructor Spotlight: Wayne Folta
Evolutionary Algorithms
Student Spotlight: Timothy Young
Meet Timothy Young, a Contract Administrator for the County of Los Angeles Timothy recently started the Data Science Analytics Bachelor’s Degree program that offers in conjunction with Thomas Edison State University (TESU) and has already been able to put his learning to work. At his job, using skills acquired at, he has implementedContinue reading “Student Spotlight: Timothy Young”
May 12: Statistics in Practice
In this Brief, we dive into the terms “sensitivity” and “specificity” and their relatives. In our course spotlight, clinical trials is the topic. Now there’s a site just for the 800+ clinical trials associated with Covid-19 (treatments and vaccines). Is it time for you to start learning how clinical trials work? Check out our course:Continue reading “May 12: Statistics in Practice”
Sensitivity and Specificity
May 5: Statistics in Practice
In this week’s Brief, we look deeper into the question of whether Covid-19 is a senior citizen disease. Our course spotlight is twofold: Start in May or June: Mastery in Statistical Modeling (3 courses) June 12 to July 10 Analyzing and Modeling Covid-19 Data See you in class! – Peter Bruce Founder, Author, and SeniorContinue reading “May 5: Statistics in Practice”